Juanita passed from this life at the age of 91 in her Springfield home and in the presence of her three loving sons to find peace with the Lord on March 21st, 2014.
Funeral services for Juanita Amy Wilson will begin with a viewing at Herman H. Lohmeyer Funeral Home, 500 E. Walnut St., Springfield, MO, on Tuesday, March 25th, from 5:00 to 7:00. Funeral service will be at 1:00 on Wednesday, March 26th, in the same location. Burial will follow at Greenlawn Cemetery. Afterwards there will be an open gathering with light refreshments at Wesley United Methodist Church, 922 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO 65807.
Juanita was a charter member of Wesley and a devoted follower and a shining example of her Lord and his son, Jesus Christ. She made many lifelong friends with the LEO; M & M Groups; Pilot International Club; Parents Without Partners and the Missouri Blind Association.
Juanita was born on November 27, 1922 in Valley Springs, AR. She was the only child of William Chasteen Keele and Uphamy Jane Honeycutt Keele. She married Hairl Martin Wilson Sr. on November 21st, in Mansfield, MO. Life held many challenges for Juanita. She suffered the loss of a newborn daughter, Donna Ann Wilson in 1947, and in January of 1964, Juanita’s husband passed away at an early age. With the help of her Lord and many loving friends and family she worked diligently to provide for her three sons and to care for her ailing mother. Juanita retired from working in the Medical Records Department of what is now Cox North Hospital.
It was another challenge that later in life she lost her eyesight from macular degeneration. She was grateful to the Missouri Blind Association for providing books on tape so she could continue with her love of reading. Her spirit and good humor remained positive throughout and her love of family and friends will stand as an inspiration to all who knew her.
Juanita is survived by her three sons: Hairl M. Wilson Jr. and his wife Janet and their daughters Gretchen Kaye Wilson and Hilarie Jaye Wilson, all in St. Louis, MO; John Ray Wilson of Springfield; and Jeffery William Wilson and his wife Patti and Patti’s children, Mark Richardson and Yvette Blanch of Springfield.
Permanent online condolences, stories and photos may be shared at www.hhlohmeyer.com.