James Edward Stowe, also known as “Jimmy” to his family and as “Jim Bob” to his neighbors, 66, passed away April 27, 2023 at his home in Springfield, Missouri.
James was born in Norfolk, Virginia on October 09, 1956 to parents Orel and Mabel Stowe. He completed the 9th grade and joined the United States Army where he proudly served his country from 1976 to 1979 in Japan, Korea and the United States as a radio repairman. After he joined the Army, he wrote his sister Carmel and shared, “They said when you join the Army you would see the world, but they didn’t tell you’d have to walk the whole damn way”.
He was preceded in death by his parents Orel and Mabel Stowe and his sister Ginger Roland of Florida. He is survived by his sister, Carmel Roach and two brothers Dewey and Bobby Tyler of Florida and sister Connie Finley of Virginia, many nieces and nephews and his beloved dog Shasta.
James lived life on his own terms. He was a hardworking man who was an iron worker for 25 years, working weekends as much as he could for the extra pay and traveled wherever he found work. He settled in Springfield, Missouri in 2002. Those who knew him enjoyed his sense of humor and polite ways. When asked about his spirituality he shared that he was saved and baptized as a kid stating “I know where I’m going”. He cared about his family and often said, “I think I might go visit them”, but never got past thinking about it.
He will continue to be loved and missed by his family and friends whose lives he touched.
Graveside Services will be held at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery, 5201 S. Southwood Road in Springfield, Missouri where Full Military Honors will be rendered; date and time to be determined. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Herman H. Lohmeyer Funeral Home in Springfield, Missouri.
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